Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Night-time awakening

LO woke up again this night at around 3.00 am. *Groan*. He has been waking up at nights from about a week ago. I’ve not had sleep for 2 consecutive nights and hence office just seems to be some halo I walk into every morning. Some days I seem to be sleep-walking and my tongue doesn’t seem to move quick enough to form clear words while talking to people. My analytical skills and typing skills have degraded. My appearance is just a little bit better than the at-home-and-with-a-baby look, barely passable office attire. These days the time and energy is too limited. On top of it all, my face says I’m an owl. I think I can expect someone in office to call me a retard soon enough!

I’ve been reading a lot of articles on the net about what to do to make the baby sleep through the night. Feed him, form a bed time routine and teach him to sleep back on his own. Assuming that he might be hungry at nights, I tried feeding him different kinds of food at different times to see if he feels full enough till the morning, but it hasn’t helped. Articles say children have frequent light sleep cycles with deep sleep cycles, and so when they half-wake up, they don’t know how to go back to sleep! Whew! Hence to make sure he doesn’t fully get up, I pat him on the back when I see that his fingers are twitching or when he changes sides in the bed. See! I am awake when he starts moving in sleep!

The only bed time routine that I can afford in my limited time as a working mom is to feed him, put a diaper on him, change his clothes, and rock him to sleep! I can’t afford to wait for him to go to sleep on his own, especially when the big bed is inviting me to sleep. Maybe someday when I have the time and patience to do that, I will. I'm hoping he will learn it on his own. Till then me, and yea a few times Yogesh, will have to be the two night owls, guarding our prize.

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