Friday, February 08, 2013

The biggest blackmail scandal exposed!

I have unravelled a huge blackmail scandal! It is going on all around in the world, and right near you! Young and unsuspecting parents are their easiest catch. They take your time, money and love and they always want more!

I’m talking about the little ruffians in our houses with cute and chubby faces.
My son has learnt every trick in the book. He is becoming stubborn by the minute and creates a tantrum if I do not comply with his wishes. He tries to throw himself on the wall (bodily), bang his head, and beat his fists. He comes back to me when he has inflicted pain on himself, saying ‘Mamma dokala (Mamma my head is hurt)’ / ‘Mamma botale (Mamma my fingers hurt)’. He knows that I would rush to his aid.

He cries till his voice goes hoarse and even tries diversion tactics while eating food. He tries to show me his bicycle, toys, cartoons while innocently saying ‘Nai kaycha (No mamma, I don’t want to eat.)’
He has also started beating up people with fists, and it hurts so much.

We have learnt to ignore some of these tantrums and tactics. When it gets too much and we want to punish him, we make him stand in a corner. We say, ‘Jaa ubha raha tithe. Yeu nakos. Ani doka aptu nako. (Go stand there. Don’t come back till I say. And don’t bang your head in the corner.)’ He does it.
But these days he starts looking for a sentimental person in the house who will pick him. He sniffs his nose repeatedly to mimic crying and purses his lower lip, to show he is so miserable! He fidgets with his fingers showing he is so afraid right now.

This is enough to melt the soft person he was targeting. He yelps with joy the moment someone calls out for him, and forgets everything about the punishment. Even the reason for the punishment!
We think of newer strategies every day and each day we fail. We do not quit though! A tantrum might bring irritation, anger, tears, pride, or awe in us, but still enriches our memories of a lifetime.