Tuesday, June 05, 2012

That’s it! I hate being hit.

Timepass post...

Mom was visiting me last weekend. Arya was playing around as usual. Whenever he came by to kiss or hug me, I involuntarily held both my hands around my face and head. If I am not as alert (or if I am eating something) and Yogesh is around, he protectively holds his hands in front of my face to save me, from a head-butt. My mom was surprised and even scolded me for being like that with my own baby.

Arya has been head banging a lot since birth. What concerns me though is that instead of banging his head on a wall or furniture, he bangs it on mine. He runs towards me in playful mood and leaps on me. His head being heavier freely bangs against mine. No, it’s not painful for him.

A few days back, I was lying on sofa while he ran to me with his arms wide open. Looking at how sweet he looked, I forgot about the dangers of his action. Within a second he hit his forehead on my upper lip sending a sharp pain through all my teeth. I yelled. I cried. He didn’t get hurt as usual, but my upper lip was swollen. He sat there looking at me with tears in his eyes ‘cause he thought he had hurt mamma. I applied some ointment and held a hanky on it. Arya didn't like me hiding my face and so grabbed the cloth from my hand and put it on his lip! It’s been 5 days to it but my lip still pains when I chew.

And today he playfully hit me once again with his head, a full force blow on my left cheekbone. It's been several hours now but well...

I should get a helmet that I can wear around him or a cushion I can tie around his head.

I don’t think my mom would understand.


BTW he has started hitting other kids during playtime, some even older than him. He hit my sisters daughters and my maids children. My maid's 3 year old daughter doesn't come to our house anymore 'cause Arya hits her. So much for thinking that my baby would be timid and bullied around in school. I have to curb this habit.

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