Monday, June 25, 2012

About the cell phone

I forgot my cell phone at home and going to the canteen for mango juice (Wonder if mango pulp juice is as nutritious as a real mango juice. But that’s another story.) It is amazing to walk free i.e. to forget carrying wallet and stash some cash in the jeans pocket, to forget the mobile at home and walk with free hands and most importantly to walk without a care.

We women don’t have such huge pockets in our formals and on our shirts too. Salwars don’t have pockets at all unless you choose to be un-fashionable. Jeans are a savior with just a little space for your cell and cash. But you need to be careful all the time such that it doesn’t fall when you sit. I have lost one of my prized cell phone that way.

BTW, Arya is learning by leaps and bounds. From a couple of months now, he can talk on the phone. No he can’t actually talk yet. But he knows the phone gesture lingo. i.e. to hold the phone to the ear, always keep walking when you talk, talk few words in a loud voice (Aaaah? Haan? Olaay, etc.), laugh a few times, rush to the phone when it rings and raise both the hands as if saying who could it be?

He talks with my mom and dad, replies to their comments in his own language.

The best part is, he knows when the phone is on loud speaker and in that case doesn’t hold the phone to the ear but in front of his mouth! Cutie pie.

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