Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New article on what Arya's saying

Arya has started doing 'A mumma' 'A papa' a lot lately in various tones, and he does it repeatedly until we notice. I specially love it when he wakes up in the morning and waits for me to wake up beside him. He lovingly pokes his fingers in my eyes, ears, mouth and keeps saying 'A mumma', as if he wants to tell me some story. But all he wants to do is grab my attention and show me that he loves me so much.

He says 'Plane kute' (Where's the plane) or 'Cal kute' (Where's the car)

He searches for his dad when Yogesh goes out of the house. He says - 'Kute papa, kute papa' and after some time if he cannot find him, he says, 'Gela papa'. It is quite funny to hear with the tone he uses.

He recognises Yellow color sometimes (says Lellow)

One day he got his small board book of Animals to me for reading. He says - vach, boot vach.

It has a picture of an animal on a page and a name written. We had started reading such books to him since he was 6 months old, even though he wouldn't have understood them back then. So he came and began pointing out the animals that he knows - Cow, Baba (i.e. sheep), Holse (Horse), Hen, Cat, Bhubhu (Dog), etc.

Same was with the small board book of Birds. He identifies Hen, Pallot (Parrot), Palow (Sparrow), Eagle, Vultul (Vulture. I was shocked to know that he remembered this too), Penguin, etc.

Sometimes when he is hungry he runs into the kitchen beating both his hands on his chest and saying - 'Bis pahije, tula paaje, tula paaje'. He says 'tula' (you) instead of 'mala' (me) while demanding things.

He has a cricket set - stumps and all made of plastic. There is a base for the three stumps. We have to insert the stumps in the base. Arya makes us put 1 stump in the center hole to convert it into a make-do hammer. He runs with that plastic hammer shouting something and bangs it on the wall a few times like demolition workers do.

He has begun to love Mickey Mouse (a cartoon that I hated). He sways whenever Mickey dances. He gets into a fit of laughter when he sees Goofy and Donald slip on some Peas in the garden. He loves to see cartoon characters suddenly run or appear fast.


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