Friday, February 20, 2009

I don't feel like working today

Don't know why... and hey I don't blame my work at all. I work for Aftek, a great company with a superb environment that makes me wanna come to office everyday.

But somehow, once in a blue moon, I don't want to just get out of my house at all. Today was such a day. Today all of a sudden I am feeling very home sick (even though I was there just 6 hours back). Even now at work, I am thinking of the comfort of my home.

Why have humans complicated their lives so much? Why do we force ourselves to go some place out of home for a better part of the day? Why do we have to earn for our loved ones, but get to spend so little time with them.

Sometimes I think of the old rushi-munis (hermits) who stayed in the Himalayas, ate fruits, and had no materialistic ambitions. They were so content with whatever they had. Why can't all humans be like that? I know I can't. Maybe it is 'cause we are not brought up that way.

In prehistoric days they didn't have to pay mobile bills, petrol bills :). All men did was to hunt for food and women just cooked; they also made sure that the species didn't go extinct. But mankind has made so many discoveries and inventions that a single person cannot do everything in a single lifetime. Hence we ended up trading and hence 'working somewhere'. Why did we have to do this to ourselves!!! We should have happily stayed in the himalayas or hunted for food forever! Why create wheels? Why invent electricity? Why form software companies :D ???

Ok... getting back to work now.


  1. I don't think rishi-munis were content with their life. Why else would they do "tapasya" to please the gods and ask for gifts? It is more complicated than food gathering...It is about the essence of life, the purpose of life, the way of life....

  2. I believe that hunting refered in the blog itself is solution to the questions..everyone is in search of something. Thats what is life.. In terms of Maslow's hirarchy, we are moving one level up. So the satisfaction is key at every level. The moment v r satisfied with the contents of life, our search wil all what is created is need created out of unsatisfied human mind.
